Smriti Paudel
Talented and dedicated, passionate about growth, and a go-getter. Her uniqueness can't ever escape attention. Bring tea and intellectual conversations to the table and she is all ears. Fond of drama, this vintage soul is driven by her zeal to bring out vulnerabilities within people along with their inner child. Since the impact stories can have has fascinated her since childhood, she has decided to embark on her own path of fathoming the ordinariness of life. Trying to make law reach the nooks and corners of such mundanity becomes the cherry on top for this law student.
It's not blood but creativity and humour that runs through her veins. Her mantra of never letting the child in her die doesn't keep her from being resilient and exuding assertiveness. Doesn't believe in having her identity limited so she'll be found doing anything and everything but do not expect she'll keep up with formalities. If you're ever in search of perfect words to convey your emotions, search no further. Proud of the fact that she's a touch self obsessed, she's positive about her capability of bringing her goal of social engineering to life through the expertise she plans to learn as a student of law.
Shrijala Pandey
Sejal Acharya
Her level of empathy and kindness has no competition. Maybe that is what makes her the gentlest plant mom. Content in flying under the radar, this humble soul makes her work speak for itself. She rejoices in nature and the beauty of words. A poet herself, she has a knack for self-discovery and for observing things in their greatest depths. Her nurturing nature justifies why she will be available when no one else is. This student of psychology, literature, love, life and law believes all of us can be agents of change and that's what she aspires to become.